Apparo announces the six nonprofits selected to participate in the fourth cohort of G.A.I.N. – powered by Lowe’s. Nonprofit participants begin their one-year journey in our Growth, Agility, and Innovation for Nonprofits program.
Efficient Technology Processes for Charlotte Community ToolBank
Through Apparo’s G.A.I.N. program powered by Lowe’s, Duke Energy volunteers provided technology process improvements to Charlotte Community ToolBank making the nonprofit more efficient.
Empowering Nonprofit Tech Plan for Urban League of Central Carolinas
CapTech and CCP Tech volunteers work alongside ULCC through Apparo’s G.A.I.N. program to provide a comprehensive Technology Plan.
Impact Update: O365 and SharePoint Migration with Youth Development Initiatives
Youth Development Initiatives completed another phase in Apparo’s 2-year nonprofit accelerator: migration to SharePoint and O365 with volunteers from LPL Financial, WSP, Divergent IT and Charlotte Networks.
Revealing Nonprofit Technology Recommendations for Shining Hope Farms
Skilled volunteers supported Shining Hope Farms with nonprofit technology recommendations, bolstering their understanding of foundational needs and the importance of prioritizing cybersecurity.
Empowering IT Processes with Ada Jenkins Center
Through Apparo’s G.A.I.N Program, Hylaine volunteers elevated The Ada Jenkins Center’s IT processes, preparing them for future success.
Technology Infrastructure Support with Greater Matthews Habitat for Humanity
Greater Matthews Habitat for Humanity receives vital support in making nonprofit technology improvements that will help extend their ability to ensure high quality, affordable housing for their community
Streamlining Nonprofit Technology Processes with Compassion to Act
Wells Fargo volunteers assisted Compassion to Act with nonprofit technology process improvements that are already improving their service to survivors of trafficking.
Streamlined Data Management with OMITT Innovative Solutions
Ross Feldman worked to improve data management processes and provided training to help increase OMITT’s reach and grow their revenue.
Nonprofit Technology Transformation through G.A.I.N. – Second Cohort
Second cohort class reflects on impact highlights after they completion of the nonprofit technology transformation program