In this CXO Tech Insights forum, panelists Tom Ellis of Bank of America, Zack Harris of Duke Energy, Charlitta Hatch of City of Charlotte, and Nadja Hendrix of Procter & Gamble discussed data-driven culture within organizations with moderator Jim Burroughs of Slalom
CXO Tech Insights Recap: Pioneering Change: People First AI Transformation
Panelists Sukai Crook of Honeywell, Matt Barrington of EY, Samantha Williams of Sonoco, and Darrell Thompson discussed AI Transformation with moderator Mark Richter of WalkMe.
CXO Tech Insights Recap: CIOs Taking Center Stage as Partners to CEO Vision
Panelists Rob Bence of Tepper Sports & Entertainment, Ames Flynn of Weisiger Group, and Mike Laurenti of Ahold Delhaize joined moderator Nelson de la Cruz of Software AG for a discussion on the evolving roles of CIOs.