The partnership will enable the preschool to provide families with extended day preschool programs for the first time.
2018 Mission Possible Award Winner Charlotte Bilingual Preschool has great news! They have been selected as a MECK Pre-K site. As they enter their 20th year of service, this partnership will enable them to provide families with extended day preschool programs for the first time.
When Charlotte Bilingual Preschool informed Apparo of this news, they thanked us, saying Apparo’s support has helped them get to this point.
“Thank you so much to Apparo for your support of Charlotte Bilingual Preschool. Your support and advocacy have been a critical part of our ability to grow and adapt to the needs of our community. Thank you for building a bright future for our children and for Charlotte Bilingual Preschool!”
Here is their formal statement of this great news:
It’s official: CltBP has been selected as a MECK Pre-K site! As we enter our 20th year of service, this partnership will enable us to provide families with extended day preschool programs for the first time.
We will convert four of our eight half-day classrooms into extended day (6.5 hours), serving 72 children, our largest graduating class to date. We know that in just a half-day program, our children outperform Hispanic peers through 2nd grade. Imagine their gains from an extended day!
Like our current program, each classroom will be staffed with two bilingual teachers using the evidence-based dual language Creative Curriculum.
Learn more about MECK Pre-K here.
Thank you to our donors, partners, and all of our supporters for making this partnership possible.”