Ilana Toch, Development Associate at the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte works frequently with Microsoft Excel and wanted to sharpen her skills in order to help save time in her fundraising-related work. She attended an Apparo Excel training at the Microsoft store, where she also learned about Apparo’s one-on-one, free IT Coaching program. After the class, she shares, “I knew I needed more practice, so I reached out to Jennifer Ray for an IT Coach to help me with an initiative to create lists for thanking donors. I had a long list of names and lots of information about each donor. I wanted to use filters to isolate a list for each volunteer to be able to see their individual assignments.”
She was matched to Kevin Yount of CapTech Consulting, who came to her office to help boost her Excel skills.
“It was basic,” explains Ilana, “but it was something that I did not have a lot of familiarity with, so I was doing it the long (and very time consuming) way. Now, with the filters, it’s much more systematic and quicker. It’s transferable to many other situations. I feel very confident in what we worked on together. Apparo’s IT Coaching is a great resource. If you are running into a hard spot in your office. It’s no nice and so convenient to have someone come to your office.”
Kevin shared how much he enjoyed the experience, “I like figuring out how to be efficient and sharing what I know. It’s a very engaging way to volunteer when you can pay it forward by sharing your skills and what you do on a day to day basis.”